Attention Alum from 1972, '82 and '02

Homecoming is on the way, and the classes of 1972, '82 and '02 have reunions and homecoming activities planned. How about being a part of Huskie Radio, too?

We are working on a special alumni episode of our show Music Matters. We are looking for alum from those years to record a short intro for a song that reminds you of your time at Hersey High School. That recording will be used in our Music Matters show, which will stream on Huskie Radio and be available on-demand via Mixcloud.

This is super easy to do:

1) Pick a song you would like to introduce. This song should be something from your time at Hersey -- a song that reminds you of a specific event, or person, or activity associated with Hersey High School.

2) Using a voice recording app on your phone, record a short introduction to the song and tell a little bit about why that song reminds you of your time at Hersey.  Be sure to include your name and your graduation year. See some examples below. Send the file to

3) Or, simply call 847-718-5095 and leave your intro as a message. It is that easy.

Last year, we did a special Homecoming episode featuring staff members who are also alumni. You can listen to that episode here: 

Here are some examples of how this can be done. 

"My name is John Doe, Hersey class of '82. What I remember most about Hersey is having John Hersey himself come to school and talk to the students. I remember sitting in the gym, Hersey talking about his books and why the young people are the future. We had read Hiroshima in class, and it was really cool seeing him in person. My senior year was a year of memories that I look back on very fondly. This song came out in 1981 and I distinctly remember it playing at Prom. This is Styx with the "Best of Times."

"Hi. My name is Norma Smith. I graduated from Hersey in 1972. I was involved in Choir and music was a big part of my life at that time. In the Spring of 72, right before graduating, the Choir put on an end of year show, and that show contained a medley of popular songs at the time. One of the songs we sang was 'Joy to the World.' Every time I hear that song, I think of my time in choir at John Hersey High School. Here it is: 'Joy to the World' by Three Dog Night."

If you have any questions, please contact Bruce Janu, the head librarian at Hersey High School. Thank you for being a part of this soon-to-be annual tradition! Click here to download a pdf to share.


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